Reg Mount Camera Adapter
The worlds only regulator mounted video camera adapter. Simply secure the RegMount to your regulator and then attach your camera with ease.
The RegMount is the scuba industries most unique new product designed for scuba divers by scuba divers. The RegMount attaches to most regulators with just a few simple steps and offers the most reliable, hands free video on the market.
-No more bubbles - The RegMount positions the underwater camera in front of exhaust
-No more wondering if your camera is on - The camera is view able by the diver at all times
-No more bad angles - The RegMount provides a diver with a true point of view angle at all times
-No more lost cameras - The RegMount allows the divers to see the camera at all times
-No more waiting - The RegMount is the most user friendly camera mount in the industry, simply attach your camera and go
Lightweight - Low Profile - Low Drag - Hands Free - User Friendly - Reliable - Safe
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